Welch Village Ski Patrol
Welch Village Ski and Snowboard Resort was founded in August 1965 by brothers Clemens and Leigh Nelson. The initial facilities included five slopes serviced by a T-Bar and a rope tow, a home-designed snow-making system, modest day-lodge with food service, and ski rental equipment. By December 10 of that first season, snow-making began in preparation for a Christmas week opening, but rain delayed the opening until New Years.
The five-week long first season ended on February 8, 1966, with another rain, a flooded valley full of ice flows, and a major debt to service. Following a stock sale and three more seasons from 1969 through 1971, the first three of nine chairlifts were installed to service 10 additional slopes, which have now been expanded to sixty runs on five distinct ridges overlooking the Cannon River and Belle Creek Valleys.
Capital improvements have been added every year in order to provide an ever improving guest experience at the resort. Snowmaking is provided using the water from the Cannon River which is converted to snow via 200 fixed and mobile snowmaking units. In optimum conditions, the resort is able to produce four feet of snow on 160 acres of slopes in about one week. Further expansion of the resort is anticipated, including an expanded day lodge, additional chairlifts to service additional slopes, and the infrastructure required to comfortably handle our guests.
The Welch Village Ski Patrol is a proud affiliate of the Welch Village Ski and Snowboard Resort. Our mission is to promote safe skiing and snowboarding among the public at Welch Village and provide emergency rescue and medical services to injured skiers and snowboarders. Welch Village Ski Patrol is a member of the National Ski Patrol organization and is a volunteer and non-profit organization.